How To Break the Cycle of Demotivation #Day9

Let's get real about this - nobody feels cheerful and motivated to work all the time. In fact, many a times we fall into the loop of putting off work until the last day ending up with a huge pile of things to finish and then getting demotivated by the amount of work we have.

You will find hundreds of advices and search results on "How to Stay Organized at Work". In fact even I did a similar article a while ago on how to get through a hectic day. But nobody tells us how to get out of this vicious loop of procrastinating until the very last minute possible and then feeling hopeless.
So here are a few tips to get yourself in schedule back again:

(1) Create a time table for yourself THE RIGHT WAY : I can nearly assure that you must have been told this once in your life - to create a time table, a to-do list, maintaining a diary, etc etc. However, one thing I have definitely learnt the hard way is that you need to make sure that your time table must be created in such a way that neither it overwhelms you nor it relaxes you. In other words, your time table shouldn't be a bombardment of tasks one after the other with absolutely no breaks at all. It shouldn't have very strict time constraints. Instead, you must keep a longer time duration for tasks than they normally should to allow some time for you to breathe and relax. But, DO NOT end up making your breaks so long that they end up getting longer than the tasks themselves!

(2) Catch up with your friends and family : In times when you feel demotivated and undervalued, the best thing to do to cheer yourself up is to talk to your close friends and family. But make sure you are not just limited to shallow conversations but instead talk about everything that has been bothering you for sometime now.

(3) Do what you feel like doing : While this might sound contrary to the first point, it isn't. Creating a schedule for yourself does not mean we do not break the rules once in a while. In fact it becomes necessary to do so once in a while to feel liberated by the tensions of the world and for once, do something not under pressure of people or deadlines but for your own self.

(4) Focus on what you are doing : A major blunder we make in our daily lives is thinking or talking about work while unwinding. Right now when you are reading this article, do not think of all the assignments you have to finish post reading this and when you are watching a movie, let go of every stressful thing going on in your life so that when you are actually working, you really do feel like you have de-stressed both your mind and your body.


(5) Sleep Punctually : Notice that I did not mention the words "on time" or "early" and instead used the word punctually. Given the busy lives we have nowadays, an early sleeping time isn't quite possible for many of us. Nonetheless, in order to stay motivated, it is absolutely necessary that we sleep at the same time everyday and make sure not to be sleep deprived.

Source: RTE


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